Congratulations to our U15’s winter team on their Grand Final win on Saturday 3rd September, with the final score being 7-3 v Werribee! The team’s presentation was held on Thursday 8th September at Epic Arena in Newport, who have supported our juniors and have committed to sponsoring our two U16’s team for the coming summer! Epic Arena is a virtual playground located at 433 Melbourne Road Newport, which boasts golf, VR, and a bar! Great for a night out with friends or birthday party, or just some weekend fun.
Award winners were MVP (umpire votes) Rivi Zdraveski and joint MVP Spencer Tyers and Roman Coote (players choice).
Michelle Coote has done a wonderful job as coach and had the following to say at the presentation night:
“First of all, thank you to Jo Tyers for being team manager. For putting the teams on team app each week, keeping records of the games played for all the Willi players, representing Williamstown Baseball club in City West meetings. And lastly, for being a super friend and supporter and keeping me sane the last couple of weeks of season!
Thanks to Mickey for scoring each week in sometimes a freezing, wind tunnel of a scorer’s box and sometimes no box at all! He did a great job catching both teams’ coaches and the umpire each week for signatures, which is vital task to remember and get done when they sometimes they just want to scat!
Thank you to Di DiBlasi in the canteen for all the tasty coffee options, breakfasts and brunches for the supporters and kids. Taking the time and effort to have the canteen meant we could have a fabulous celebration here tonight with the money raised through the canteen.
Thank you to Ashton Coote for umpiring all the home games. He was a fair and consistent umpire and did a great job for his first season umpiring.
Thank you to Andrew Sadler for giving the team a great start to the season and giving me a fabulous foundation to keep working on as a coach. He was always very encouraging and supportive of any line up choices I made.
Also, to Paul for stepping up and continuing to coach this magnificent group of athletes. Without Paul on game day, we would have been short a base coach and moral support and guidance on the bench.
Mitch Clement, and Snorks (Crag Evans) and Aiden Sadler for helping in the batting cage, throwing balls and giving the kids some coaching. It was very much appreciated by me and the kids.
To Simon Zdraveski for showing me how to use the pitching machine and helping me out in the cage. I am still a little afraid of the machine, but way more confident than I was, so thank you!
To Les Flower for marking out the grounds for home games and keeping the field a tip top condition and keeping us in line when we needed it!
To Ray Baker for his unwavering support of the junior program. Ray would put out the bases each Tuesday and Thursday for training which is very much appreciated. He also manned the scoreboard each of the home game, giving supporters a visual to how the team was scoring.
To Hiroshi Narasaki for literally saving the day on Saturday morning and umpiring the Grand Final. He answered my request at 7am and was a great umpire for our last game of the season.
Lastly to this amazing group of kids that I had the privilege of coaching and motivating this season. I have told you time and time again, but I am so proud of how you worked as a team, encouraged each other, built on your already amazing skills and work ethic and bought home a Premiership. It has truly been a pleasure coaching you and getting to know you all as individuals. Good luck for summer season 22/23.”